All about the CORONAL CHAKRA: SAHASRARA, the 7th and last chakra
The crown chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit) is the 7th and last chakra in the Hindu chakra system. It is located at the top of the head and represents unity with the divine and higher consciousness. It is associated with the color white or purple and is considered the seat of wisdom, spiritual awakening and ultimate understanding. Discover in this article its history, its effects on our body and mind when it is closed and how to open and harmonize it.

What is the historical context of the chakras and particularly the 7th chakra?
Chakras are a part of the Hindu philosophy and practice, called Tantra, which emerged in India several thousand years ago. The concepts of chakras were formalized in tantric texts such as the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana and the Panchadasi in the 15th century.
The 7th Chakra, or Crown Chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit), is considered the highest chakra in the system of seven main chakras. It is located at the top of the head and represents unity with divine consciousness and supreme knowledge. The Crown Chakra is associated with spirituality, consciousness, intuition and connection to the universe.
The concept of chakras is a key aspect of the Hindu tradition and has also influenced other traditions such as Buddhism. Practices to harmonize the chakras, such as meditation, yoga and the practice of certain positions, have been used for centuries to improve physical and emotional health.
What are the effects of a harmonized or unbalanced crown chakra?
When the coronal chakra is awake and in harmony, a person can experience a sense of peace, mental clarity, self-awareness and spiritual connection. Activities such as meditation, prayer and introspection can help activate this chakra.
On the other hand, a blockage or imbalance of the coronal chakra can manifest itself in symptoms such as depression, mental confusion, lack of direction and emotional isolation. Practices such as yoga positions, conscious breathing and visualizations can help align and harmonize this chakra.
The coronal chakra plays an important role in spiritual development and in the quest for inner peace and ultimate understanding. By working on this energy, we can connect to our divine essence and explore the deeper dimensions of our being.
What are the symptoms of a CURNOW CHAKRA imbalance?
Symptoms of a closed, blocked or unbalanced crown chakra may include:
- Lack of sense of spirituality and connection to a higher purpose
- Impaired memory and concentration
- Depression and anxiety
- Lack of inspiration and creativity
- Sleep and fatigue problems
- Feeling of a lack of meaning in life
- Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem
- Skin, head and vision problems
- Persistent mental and emotional problems
- Difficulty finding meaning in life or feeling satisfied.
It is important to work on the opening and harmony of the crown chakra to improve your mental and physical health.
Here are some tips for healing the 7th chakra (Sahasrara):
- Meditation: Meditation can help awaken and harmonize the 7th chakra, connecting you to your spiritual awareness.
- Yoga practice: Can help align the chakras and improve the flow of energy throughout the body.
- Healing stone: Some stones like amethyst, rock crystal and quartz can help harmonize the 7th chakra by bringing a soothing energy.
- Essential oils: Essential oils can also be used to harmonize the 7th chakra by inhaling their fragrance or by using them for a massage.
- Other practices: Practicing a religion or spirituality can help awaken and harmonize the 7th chakra by connecting you to a greater sense of life and consciousness.
- Lifestyle Changes: Lifestyle changes such as practicing gratitude, daily meditation and being aware of your thoughts can also help heal the 7th chakra.
It is important to note that chakra healing requires a holistic approach and an ongoing commitment to your mental and emotional health.
What are the symptoms of a harmonized crown chakra?
Symptoms of a harmonized Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) may include:
- Deep connection to one’s spirituality and inner wisdom
- Clarity of thought and a sense of direction in life
- Open-mindedness and ability to welcome new ideas
- High self-confidence and self-esteem
- Understanding of the illusory nature of material reality
- Increased mental and physical energy
- Sense of peace and inner serenity
It is important to note that chakra harmony is an ongoing process and that different aspects of life can affect this harmony. Individuals may also exhibit a mixture of positive and negative traits.

Which yoga postures to harmonize the seventh chakra?
Here are some positions that can help harmonize the 7th Chakra:
- Sirsasana (Headstand) – To build confidence and mental stability
- Matsyasana (Pisces position) – To stimulate the crown and pineal gland
- Padmasana (Lotus position) – To calm the mind and strengthen the connection to the greater whole
- Ananda Balasana (Happy Child Pose) – To reduce stress and build confidence
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Bow up position) – To strengthen self-awareness and self-confidence
- Shavasana (Death Position) – To help you relax and reconnect to your inner self
- Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand) – To strengthen mental and emotional stability
It is important to remember that proper alignment and breathing are essential in the practice of yoga. It is advisable to practice with a qualified teacher to avoid injury and get the best results.
What are the origins of the crown chakra?
The origins of the chakras and the crown (Sahasrara) are linked to the Hindu tradition and to yoga. Chakras are considered energy centers located along the spine that influence our physical and emotional health.
The crown (Sahasrara) is the 7th and last chakra located at the base of the skull and is associated with spiritual awareness, wisdom and self-awareness.
It is believed that opening this chakra can bring a connection with the divine and an elevation of the mind. The coronal chakra is the seat of spiritual consciousness, located at the crown of the skull. It is associated with the color purple and stones such as amethyst, labradorite, lapis lazuli, amazonite, amber and tiger’s eye obsidian. Essential oils can help harmonize this chakra.
Jewelry such as pendants, bracelets and natural stones can also be used to strengthen and open the coronal chakra. However, meditation and asana practice are the most effective ways to harmonize and activate this chakra. When the coronal chakra is opened, it can bring greater spirituality and a more fulfilling life.
Why do we need to harmonize all our chakras?
It is important to note that the opening of the coronal chakra may be limited by an imbalance in the crown, so it is important to work on the balance of all the chakras for optimal opening. Tantric practices and symbolic rites can also aim at achieving unification and fulfillment.
The harmonization of all the chakras is considered important because the chakras are energy centers that regulate the different aspects of our physical, emotional and mental life. If one of them is blocked or out of balance, it can affect our overall well-being. The harmonization of all the chakras allows us to maintain an energetic balance and to strengthen our physical and mental health.
Here are 5 examples of blocked chakras:
- Root Chakra (Muladhara) blocked: fear of poverty, security and stability
- Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) blocked: fear of intimacy and sexuality
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) blocked: fear of failure and powerlessness
- Heart Chakra (Anahata) blocked: fear of love and vulnerability
- Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) blocked: fear of expression and communication.
Discover this video of a meditation to harmonize the 7 chakras .
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