Flying Yoga or Aerial Yoga with OyaYoga

It was while hitchhiking in Asia that the founder knew at that moment that her mission was to make the discipline of aerial yoga more accessible in the French-speaking world. Upon her return, the aerial yoga brand OYA YOGA was born.

What is Aerial Yoga?

  • The origin of Aerial Yoga (or flying yoga) goes back to the master yogi Sundararaja Iyengar ( B.K.S iyengar) who used ropes hanging either from the ceiling or from a tree to do stretching and inversions.
  • We find in particular an origin of aerial yoga with the art of circus which uses fabric as for the aerial dance. The fabric being more pleasant than a rope, the method of air yoga is officially born with Christopher Harrison in 2007 with a method under the name: antigravity in New York.
  • Since then, methods and disciplines of aerial yoga have multiplied around this suspended hammock. The suspension and inversion exercises are innovative and appeal to those who try flying yoga.
  • We then find the sun/moon salutations suspended, Ayurvedic massages in the fabric, aerial pilates or even fitness
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oya yoga

Is yoga in the air more beneficial?

The benefits of Aerial Yoga are multiple, here are four reasons to adopt hanging yoga:

  1. More flexibility with aerial yoga: Unlike classical yoga on the ground, during an aerial yoga session, the hammock acts as a support to seek more flexibility and relieve deeper muscles. So you can do aerial yoga exercises if you are looking to gain flexibility and relaxation.
  2. Like a return to childhood: It’s proven! The gentle rocking sensation created by the yoga hammock stimulates our brain waves, these oscillations are more like the sensation a baby feels while in the womb. You feel loved and safe when you practice aerial yoga!
  3. Reduce Insomnia with the help of aerial yoga: Inversions with the help of the yoga hammock are accessible to everyone*, no need to master the headstand to benefit from the effects of inversion during an aerial yoga class which leads the blood to the brain and the pineal gland which revitalizes and promotes the secretion of the sleep hormone (melatonin). With this yoga practice, one enters a meditative state instantly and enjoys a great physical and psychological relaxation.
  4. Relieve back pain : One of the major benefits of a flying yoga session is to recreate space between the vertebrae by performing decompression exercises through inversion postures and stretching the body. The decompression is done with the help of the placement of the fabric that will wrap the hips or the shoulders depending on where we want to focus our attention and our exercises. The weight of the body, through the attraction of the earth, will induce the stretching of the muscular tissues around the spine. This will reduce the phenomenon of compression on the intervertebral discs and nerves. With aerial yoga you can work your body to relieve it from a day sitting at the office, relaxation and stretching guaranteed!

Air Yoga in France

  • The discipline of aerial yoga is still a new method in the world of French yoga, which is a pity when you discover all the benefits of this yoga practice that defies gravity and promotes physical activity.
  • The brand of aerial yoga OYA YOGA was created in April 2021 for this purpose, to discover the method of aerial yoga and to offer certified and approved products and yoga hammocks of quality without surprise and in full safety.
  • The French brand of aerial yoga wants to be responsible and very attentive to its customers. It is a yoga hammock fabric specially designed for the aerial yoga method and not the one usually used in circus arts (aerial fabric).
  • The OYA YOGA fabric of the yoga hammock is stretchable especially in the width, for a whole body wrap. The hammock’s fabric is slightly stretchy along the length for added support during aerial yoga and suspension and inversion exercises.
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Is it possible to practice aerial yoga at home?


Caution: (*) Before starting a practice at home, please check with your doctor that your physical condition allows you to explore inversion postures. If you choose to hang your equipment from the ceiling using brackets, hire a professional to secure the installation.


Who says aerial yoga also says aerial hammock:

  • Very close to the discipline of aerial yoga, there is another aerial discipline with the hammock: the aerial hammock or the danced hammock. However, there are differences in terms of equipment for these gravity-defying practices:
  • The aerial hammock is attached to a single grip point while aerial yoga requires two grip points.
  • The aerial hammock can have a swivel for spining and pivoting on itself. OYA YOGA hammock fabrics are suitable for both practices, you can switch from aerial yoga to aerial hammock without changing fabrics.
  • Take advantage of a promotional code of -10% on the whole store: YOGOM10
  • Find the aerial yoga brand OYA YOGA
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Discover our other article on AerialYoga as well as our Complete Guide of all types of yoga.

Don’t forget to bring a yoga mat made in Europe under your yoga hammock because some postures are half hanging and half on the ground. Delivery is offered with minimum purchase, do not hesitate any more and receive your favorite products to practice yoga!