How to harmonize the SACRED CHAKRA : SVADHISTHANA ?
The second chakra, called Svadhisthana, is associated with emotional life, pleasure and creativity. When it is out of balance, problems with emotions, sexuality and self-esteem can occur.
To harmonize the Svadhisthana chakra, it is recommended to practice activities such as yoga, meditation and conscious breathing. Lithotherapy can also be used, by wearing a stone like the moon or the sun, which can have a beneficial effect on the energy of the chakra.

Mythology of the sacred chakra SVADHISTHANA
The sacred chakra Svadhishthana is the second chakra according to the tradition of Indian yoga philosophy. It is located in the pelvic region and is associated with sexuality, creativity, sensuality and emotion.
This chakra is symbolized by a six-petaled lotus, which represents human emotions, desires, senses and instincts. When the Svadhishthana chakra is in balance, a person can experience joy, self-confidence and satisfaction in their personal and sexual life. However, when it is blocked, it can cause emotional difficulties, such as depression, frustration and low self-esteem.
Yoga, meditation, conscious breathing and the practice of acceptance and gratitude can help open and harmonize this chakra.
Signs of an unbalanced sacral chakra
Signs of an unbalanced sacral chakra may include:
- Digestive or bladder problems
- Difficulties with sexuality or desire
- Emotional blockages or feelings of emptiness
- Problems with self-confidence or personal strength
- Difficulty balancing work and pleasure
- Chronic pain in the lumbar or sacral region
- Low energy or chronic fatigue
- Excessive dependence on food, substances or relationships
- Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety.

How to balance the sacral chakra?
There are several ways to harmonize the sacral chakra:
- Yoga and meditation: yoga postures that involve the hips, legs and sacral area can help open and harmonize this chakra. Meditation can help you connect to your emotions and refocus.
- Healthy Eating: Eating healthy, balanced foods can help strengthen physical and emotional health and harmonize the sacral chakra.
- Physical exercise: exercise can help release blocked energy and improve energy flow.
- Colors and crystals: wearing colors such as orange and surrounding your environment with crystals such as carnelian can help harmonize the sacral chakra.
- Artistic creation: all forms of artistic creation, such as dance, painting or sculpture, can help to release creative energy and harmonize the sacral chakra.
Therapy and emotional work: therapy can help explore and release emotional blocks and build personal strength, which can help harmonize the sacral chakra.
Characteristics of the balanced sacral chakra
The sacral chakra, also called Svadhishthana, is the second chakra in the seven chakra system. It is found in the sacro-lumbar region and is associated with the color orange.
The characteristics of the sacral chakra include:
- Emotions and pleasure: the sacral chakra is associated with sexuality, desires, emotions and pleasure.
- Balance between work and pleasure: the sacral chakra helps to find a balance between work and pleasure in daily life.
- Creativity: the sacral chakra is associated with creativity and the ability to connect to one’s intuition and creative power.
- Physical health: The Sacral Chakra is also associated with physical health, particularly the health of the reproductive organs and digestion.
- Self-esteem and confidence: the Sacral Chakra is related to self-confidence and self-esteem, and can influence how a person perceives and behaves in relationships and social situations.
When the sacral chakra is in balance, one can feel a sense of peace, emotional security and personal satisfaction. However, when it is out of balance, it can lead to emotional, physical and mental difficulties.
Which yoga postures to open the sacral chakra?
Here are some yoga postures that can help open the sacral chakra:
- Position of the pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
- Lizard pose (Utthan Pristhasana)
- Butterfly position (Badhakonasana)
- Happy baby position (Ananda Balasana)
- Twisting of the sitting sp ine (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
- Bound Knee Position (Baddha Konasana)
- Reclining hand-to-thumb-to-toe position (Supta Padangusthasana)
- Lizard Lunge (Variation of Utthan Pristhasana)
It is important to note that yoga should only be practiced under the supervision of a qualified professional if you have health problems or injuries. Discover a video session to open the heart chakra.
Which stones to balance the sacral chakra?
The following stones can help harmonize the sacral chakra:
- Carnelian
- Chalcedony Orange
- Aventurine orange
- Imperial Jaspis
- Citrine
- Orange calcite
- Sardonyx
- Moonstone
It is important to remember that the use of stones to harmonize the chakras is considered an alternative approach and should be used in conjunction with proven methods such as therapy, meditation and yoga practice. It is always recommended to consult a health care professional to assess health problems.
Using bracelets with natural stones can also help harmonize the chakra, as can essential oils and the color orange. It is important to make a conscious choice for a healthy emotional balance by working on willpower and adopting a positive mental posture.
In France, many wellness centers offer services to harmonize the chakras, such as meditation sessions, yoga and light therapy. By exploring different ways of working with the chakras, you can unlock your energetic potential and achieve a balanced level of physical and emotional well-being.
The human body is a complex system of energy and forces in constant motion. The chakras, which are energy centers in the body, play an important role in connecting us to our spiritual and physical life. To help harmonize energies and maintain overall health, many people use stones, jewelry, incense, water, essential oils and other spiritual tools.
The second chakra, the sacral chakra, is associated with the color orange and is located in the sacro-lumbar region. To unblock and harmonize this chakra, stones such as carnelian can be used. Wearing a carnelian bracelet promotes creation, joy and solar energy in daily life.
The use of incense, ylang-ylang essential oil and other aromatic products can help create a favorable atmosphere for working on the chakras. Pink glass jewelry, associated with the solar plexus chakra, can also be used to enhance energy and promote self-awareness.
Ultimately, the choice of stones, incense and jewelry to harmonize the chakras depends on personal preference and personal energies. Whatever the choice, the use of these tools can help improve physical, emotional and spiritual health, as well as enhance positive energies in daily life.