How to use a yoga strap? User’s guide
Want to know how to use a yoga strap? This User Guide is for you! The yoga belt is the ideal tool for beginners, people who lack flexibility but also for all yoga practitioners regardless of their level because of many exercises require its use ! It is not only a yoga accessory, but also a teaching tool used in Iyengar Yoga, but also in other styles of yoga such as Yin, Hatha, Vinyasa and even fitness. Discover in this special file what the yoga strap is used for, which one to buy and especially 20 yoga exercises to do with it!
1- Western Stretch: Paschimottanasana
2- The cow head: Gomukhasana
3- Supta Kapotasana
4- The posture of the arm stretched to the big toe: Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
5- Head to Knee Posture: Janu sirsasana
6- The standing posture of the foot in hand reversed: Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana
7- The boat: Paripurna-navasana
8- The pigeon : Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
9- Hip opening posture
10- The dancer : Natarajasana
11- The grasshopper : Salabhasana
12- The four-footed stick posture: chaturanga dandasana
13- The Butterfly : Baddha Konasana
14- The Half Bridge : Setu Bandha Sarvangâsana
15- Lateral inclination sitting cross-legged: Parshva Sukhasana
16- Legs against the wall: Viparita Karani
17- The Hero: Virasana
18- The Warrior II: Virabhadrasana II
19- The Warrior III: Virabhadrasana III
20- The tree : Vrikshasana
21- The raven : Bakasana
What is the purpose of a yoga strap?
The yoga belt is used to stretch, warm up, compensate for a lack of flexibility. It is more of a tool for correct positioning than a tool to compensate for a lack of flexibility. Using a yoga strap allows you to advance in your practice and to deepen your stretchingit becomes an extension of your arms and allows you to perform your asanas to the best of your ability without straining or injuring yourself. Indeed, it corrects your alignment: Using a yoga strap will allow you to get into asanas and hold better in others while maintaining good alignment.
Which yoga strap to choose?
It is important to choose the right yoga strap, for this, it is important to take into consideration several criteria:
The size Like bolsters, meditation cushions or bricks, there are several sizes. As a general rule, the straps measure from 1.50m to 3m long, and 25 mm to 40 mm wide, you must choose it according to your morphology If you are taller than 1.75m, choose a strap that is longer than 2.5m, but in general, choose a strap that is longer than 2m because some exercises require it regardless of your height.
The Loop: It is best to choose an adjustable strap: whether round or rectangular, the buckle is used to lock it at the length that suits you during your asanas. It is imperative that it is of good quality, the best is to choose one made of metal, because it will be stronger and will resist better to the tensions than the plastic ones.
Material: prefer those recycled materials or cotton rather than synthetic textiles, they are more ecological and resistant. The recycled materials will slip under your fingers, so you will have less grip and stability with this type of product.
The Yogom stretching strap is made of cotton, it is 260 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, has a metal buckle to adjust its length, it is available in 5 colors: Balti, Bordeaux, Navy, Peacock, Biscuit. Made of a very resistant, thick and solid cotton, we made the choice to design a very long product so that you are not blocked in your practice.
1- Western stretch: Paschimottanasana
This position helps to develop the muscles: from the neck to the heels. It revitalizes the many muscles and nerves of the spine.
2- The cow head: Gomukhasana
It develops inner listening, awareness of the body’s possibilities, as well as a beautiful quality of attention and concentration. It relaxes the hips and knees and allows the energy to circulate in the pelvis. It also allows a big work of opening of the shoulders.
3- Supta Kapotasana
This position releases anger and frustration, it brings a feeling of ease and well-being. It improves blood circulation in the lower body, opens your hips and reduces sciatica symptoms.
4- The posture of the arm stretched to the big toe: Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
This asana helps to strengthen the thighs and ankles, stretches the back muscles, and improves balance.
1. Take the mountain posture
3. Extend your leg parallel to the mat, while holding both sides of the strap with your opposite hand.
5- Head to Knee Posture: Janu sirsasana
The benefits are numerous: it helps to slow down the heart rate and calms the nervous system and also stimulates the kidneys and liver.
- Sit on your yoga mat in the dandâsana position
- Bend the leg of your choice so that your arch is in contact with the inside of the opposite thigh.
- Bend the opposite leg slightly to pass the strap over the base of the arch, grab one end of the strap with each hand and gradually extend the leg.
- Exhale while leaning forward, bring your head closer to your knee, depending on your flexibility
- Hold for 5 long breaths and then do the same on the other side.
6- The standing posture of the foot in hand reversed: parivrtta hasta padangusthasana
This asana improves balance, concentration and perseverance, it energizes and calms the mind. It also strengthens the lower limbs, improves the flexibility of the spine.
1. Take the mountain posture
2. Bring your right knee towards your chest, pass the strap in the middle of your arch
3. Grab both ends with your left hand, then extend your right leg parallel to the ground.
4. Make sure to keep your arms and legs straight, and don’t bend your back
5. Hold for 5-10 breaths and then do the same on the other side.
7- The boat: Paripurna-navasana
The boat asana strengthens and tones the lumbar, back and abdominal muscles. It stimulates digestion and promotes the elimination of waste.
1. Sit on your yoga mat
2. Bend your legs to place the strap on the arch of your foot, hold both ends with your hands
3. Stretch your lower limbs upwards while keeping your spine straight
4. Hold for a few breaths
8- The pigeon : Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
The pigeon helps to lengthen the neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, thighs and groin, also stimulates the organs of the abdomen, allows to better open the chest.
- Take the posture of the dog head down
- Bend your right knee and slide your heel toward your left hand, the outside of your leg should be on the ground. The angle of your knee is determined by your level of flexibility.
- Extend your left leg behind you, in line with your hip.
- Take the strap with both hands and place it on your right foot and pull it towards you. Tilt your head back.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutes and then do the same on the other side.
9- Hip opening posture
Opening the hips aligns the joints of the lower back, hips and lower limbs, it also allows for the release of energy knots and blocked emotions.
2. Bring the knee of your choice against your chest
10- the dancer : natarajasana
Dancing helps develop muscles, stimulates digestion, helps relieve constipation, improves balance, postural awareness and body awareness.
1. Stand on your yoga mat
2. Put the foot of your choice through the strap, and hook the ring on top, as close to the ankle as possible.
3. Grab it at knee height
4. Bring your foot up and hold it over your shoulder (like a backpack)
6. Bring your hands to your foot on the strap
7. Hold the posture for a few seconds and then do the same on the other side
11- The grasshopper : Salabhasana
The grasshopper solicits, muscles and strengthens the back in depth, it improves the intestinal function. It also has a positive effect on morale, memory and concentration.
- Lie on your stomach on your yoga mat
- Bend your knees and slip your strap around both your ankles, hold both ends and start to bring your hands closer to your feet.
- Gradually pull on your arms to lift your legs off the ground and raise your chest.
- Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then release
12- The four-footed stick posture: chaturanga dandasana
This exercise strengthens the muscles of your upper and lower limbs. It develops stability and prepares you for inversions and arm balances.
13- The Butterfly : Baddha Konasana
The butterfly aims to open and relax the hip joints, it tones the digestive system and optimizes the reproductive functions.
14- The half bridge: setu bandha sarvangâsana
The half-bridge is designed to soften, tone and position the intervertebral discs, strengthen the lumbar area and the rib cage, stretch the abdominal muscles and eliminate tension in the neck.
15- Lateral reclining sitting cross-legged: parshva sukhasana
This posture opens the hips and lengthens the spine, ribs, chest, knees and ankles. It strengthens the back, encourages inner calm and reduces physical fatigue.
16- Legs against the wall: Viparita Karani
This asana regulates blood flow, improves digestion, relieves menstrual cramps, stretches the neck, the back of the lower limbs and the torso.
- Sit facing a wall, on your yoga mat
- Place your heels on the wall, and move your buttocks closer to the wall
- Strap your legs together, hard enough to support them
- Breathe deeply for a few seconds and then release
17- The hero: Virasana
This asana tones the spine, corrects and relieves the back, strengthens the ankles, thighs and hips. It promotes blood circulation, and helps to enter into a state of meditation and to do breathing exercises.
3. Hold the position for a few minutes and then release
18- The Warrior II: Virabhadrasana II
2. Spread the leg of your choice to about 1 meter, rotate the foot to 90° and then bend the knee slightly (it should not exceed the heel)
3. Grab each end of the strap with both hands behind your back, then stretch your arms parallel to the ground and turn your neck in the direction
4. Make sure the hips stay in line with the shoulders
5. Gird your abdominal muscles and make sure you don’t arch your back
6. Hold for about a minute and then do the same on the other side
19- The Warrior III: Virabhadrasana III
This position relaxes and strengthens the muscles of the upper body, opens the chest, neck and shoulders. It improves physical strength, endurance and heart health by stimulating the cardiovascular system through the effort made during the posture.
20- The tree : Vrikshasana
The tree improves concentration, balance, proprioceptic sensitivity and calms the mind. It tones up the muscles of the lower limbs, favors the opening of the hips.
21- The Raven : Bakasana
The raven strengthens all the deep muscles of the upper limbs (wrists…), it improves the inter and intramuscular coordination. It promotes balance, courage, concentration and self-confidence and provides a feeling of lightness.
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