Jivamukti Yoga : discover this Hatha Yoga !
Jivamukti Yoga is a practice that is becoming more and more popular in France. You have never heard of this yoga? Don’t panic! Yogom traces the history and the principles of this stimulating method which ensures a complete disconnection thanks to its practice in music.
Origins and history of Jivamukti Yoga
Principles of Jivamukti Yoga
The founders of this method being passionate about music, they wanted to create a type of yoga where the 4th art is placed at the center of the practice in order to have a spiritual approach to it.
The main objectives of Jivamukti are:
- To be in agreement with oneself
- To become aware of one’s body through the movements exercised
- To work on one’s spiritual development
Jivamukti is therefore a real philosophy of life for the followers and has for principles to be based on the melody but also on the body work and the deep breathing.
It includes five disciplines that are key to the practice and are worked on in all classes:
- Shastra (scriptures) with thestudy of the ancient teachings of yoga, including Sanskrit chanting.
- Bhakti (devotion) since every practitioner considers that God is present in every person or sentient being.
- Ahimsa (non-violence) because Jivamukti insists on animal rights, vegetarianism and even veganism, environmentalism and social activism in order to practice non-violence. These practices help to develop compassion and humility. This would also be effective in eliminating one’s suffering and attracting good karma.
- Nada (sound) by developing a healthy body and mind through deep listening while enjoying the sacred sounds of yoga.
- Dhyana (meditation) by making connections with the eternal reality that does not change.
What does a course look like?
A Jivamukti Yoga class is composed as follows:
- It always begins and ends with a song
- A lesson from the founding writings of yoga is then studied at the beginning of each class
- The classes are organized according to a monthly theme chosen and announced by the founders and are based as much on posture work as on meditation
- Approximately 80% of the class is conducted to music
The couple then sees this method as a path to enlightenment. They have always given great importance to teaching the Indian system of yoga by translating it in the best way so that the western mentality, not used to this point of view, can better understand and assimilate these values. By practicing devotional chanting and studying ancient texts, Jivamukti students are therefore generally more educated about yoga philosophy than others.
With what material should I practice Jivamukti Yoga?
The only material required to practice this yoga is a quality mat. Indeed, since it is a rather physical practice with a rather sustained pace, it is important to have good support on his mat and that he is very adherent to the ground. It is also necessary to pay great attention to its dimensions in order not to restrict oneself in the practice of the postures. Nevertheless, meditation is also part of each class, so you need a fairly large mat. thick and comfortable to be in an environment conducive to relaxation.
Several Yogom mats are suitable for this practice:
- The carpet of the Star range is ideal for all dynamic yoga practices and adapts very well to gentle yogas. Whether you sweat a little or a lot and no matter what your level, this mat will offer you comfort and excellent stability on the ground. If your main criterion is the side anti-slip of your mat, to finally stop slipping while practicing your asanas, the Star mat is made for you!
- The carpet of the Performance Line is also a very good option for Jivamukti Yoga because it is as comfortable in a gentle practice as it is in an intense one and is the best companion for yogis who practice in the studio because it is foldable. This mat is excellent for practitioners who tend to sweat since its microfiber coating is very adherent to perspirationThis prevents you from slipping. For those who don’t sweat much, but have fallen for its soft finish, don’t panic! Simply dampen your mat before each class to trigger its adhesion. Do not hesitate to moisten it again throughout the session when necessary. It is also ideal for all levels.
You can also use accessories such as yoga bricks or a yoga strap to help you get good alignments and to stretch more deeply. These accessories are also useful to work on your flexibility in a progressive way during practice.
How to practice Jivamukti Yoga?
What are the benefits of Jivamukti Yoga?
Jivamukti Yoga does not require any athletic experience on the part of its practitioners. It is a complete wellness tool as it helps to relax the body and spirit while learning the history of the discipline.
The positive effects of its practice are:
- Theevacuation of tensions and physical blockages through the sequence of postures and breathing work
- A purification of the soul by chasing away negative thoughts and improving concentration through the thematic aspects of the classes
- A muscular reinforcement thanks to the different asanas practiced
- Useful learning for everyday life as practitioners can transfer the wisdom principles seen in their classes into their personal lives
Jivamukti Yoga, controversial?
If you want more information on this trial and on these events, we invite you to read the article published by Slate .
Jivamukti Yoga did not convince you? Go to our article “What type of yoga to practice?” to find the discipline that best suits your needs and expectations.