The Guide to Using a Yoga Brick
Are you starting yoga and or meditation and want to know how to use a yoga brick? Do you want to be more flexible and lack flexibility? Do you find it difficult to keep certain balances? Discover in this guide more 20 exercises to realize with one or more bricks! The yoga brick is the essential accessory with the yoga mat and the strap to practice yoga and meditation in complete safety and comfort. Its use during your classes will allow you to perform the asanas with a better alignment and a better positioning and thus to feel the full benefit of yoga postures. Whether they are done with or without accessories, yoga postures have the same effect on the body and mind. on the body and the mind.
22 postures to use a yoga brick
1- Head Down Dog: Adho Mukha
2- The Pyramid: Parsvottanasana
3- The Triangle: Trikonasana
4- The Half Moon: Ardha Chandrasana
5-The Bridge : Setu Bandha
6- The Plough : Halasana
7- The Camel : Ustrasana
8- The Stork : Uttanasana
9- The Stretched Angle: Utthita Parsvakonasana
10- The two-legged table: Dwi Pada Pitham
11- Standing Lunge: Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
12- The Raven : Bakasana
13- The four-pronged pose: Chaturanga
14- L sit : Bramcharyasana
15- The Corpse: Savasana
16- The Chair : Utkatasana
17- The Warrior 3: Virabhadrasana III
18- Butterfly: Baddha Konasana
19- Reverse Tense Support Posture
20- The cobra : Bhujangasana
21- Fish: Matsyasana
22- Meditation Posture: Sukhasana
What is the purpose of a yoga brick?
A brick of yoga is generally of rectangular form, its dimensions are often (and advised): 22 cm X 11 cm X 7cm: its form allows him to be used according to 3 heights on the edge in width, in height and flat. It is 6 to 7 cm thick and weighs less than a kilo, so it can be picked up with one hand.
The yoga brick has several uses: it can help you reach the ground more easily, it extends your limbs It is often used as an extension of the hand, and helps you and brings comfort in difficult exercises like the standing lunge, if you lack flexibility. It allows you to to avoid injury To avoid overexerting the back or the muscles. They support you and relieve you when the stretching gets too much for you! You can also use it as a seat support at the beginning of your session, or for a short meditation. It can also be used to stretch the spine in savasana!
Which Yoga Brick to Choose?
There are different types of yoga bricks, the criteria of choice are: the weight, the adherence, the density and the solidity, the dimensions, the material (cork, wood, bamboo…) and shape. It is much less difficult to buy a brick than a carpet (fortunately!). For this accessory you will mainly choose according to the weight, the price, the design and or your values. We recommend a brick of less than 500 g (which is the case for all Yogom bricks) because some can reach 700 / 800 g and it can hurt your toes if, because it is too heavy, it falls out of your hands … Then, you see if you have the budget to invest in a product made in Europe or not and then choose the one you like! It also depends on whether you need one or more.
The yoga brick made of recycled EVA foam: it is very light (120 g), comfortable, ecological, and economical (10€ each). It will help you progress in your practice of gentle yoga and relaxation. Mantra: become loyal to yourself.
The cork yoga brick: it is 100% ecological, vegan, made in Portugal, more rigid and more resistant: it brings a precious support to many yoga postures (stretching, inversions…) and to meditation. In addition, its density is very light, for maximum comfort and safety during your practice!
1- Head Down Dog: Adho Mukha Svanasana
This posture brings a real relaxation of the spine and the lower back. Stretching will have an in-depth effect on the back muscles, the lower and upper limbs.
- Stand on your yoga mat and put two props in front of you.
- Get on all fours, your kneecaps should be under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
- Place your hands on the blocks and raise your knees while exhaling and pushing in your hands
2- The Pyramid: Parsvottanasana
It is an intense lateral stretch, it strengthens the muscles of the lower limbs, ankles in addition to toning the back and abdominal organs.
- Get into tadasana position and put two bricks horizontally in front of you.
- Move the right foot back and position it at 45 degrees
- Inhale while leaning forward, and grab the bricks with your hands.
- Stretch your spine towards the earth and then contract your muscles, the goal is to rest your chest on your thigh, and your chin on your shin while keeping your hips parallel to the ground
- 7 breaths on each side.
3- The Triangle: Trikonasana
This asana stretches all the muscles, improves digestion and regulates transit, helps relieve menopausal symptoms and stomach aches.
- Stand on your yoga mat, then spread your heels about 1.5m apart, position your block near your right leg
- Place your right foot outward at 90 degrees, and the other inward at about 45 degrees
- Lower your torso parallel to your mat to catch it with your right hand
- Extend the opposite arm vertically, so as to achieve a slight twist.
- Hold the posture for a few breaths and then do the same on the other side
4- The Half Moon: ardha Chandrasana
This asana improves and strengthens every muscle in the central part of the chest, especially in the abdomen, and corrects bad posture.
- Take the triangle posture
- Stretch the back leg upwards
- Rest your weight on the hand holding the brick vertically (the opposite hand)
- Take 3 deep breaths and then do the same on the other side.
5- the bridge: setu bandha
The bridge opens the chest and relaxes the spine while toning the muscles of the upper back. It is also a good way to improve digestion.
- Lie on your back
- Spread your heels the same width as your hips
- Raise your buttocks and place the block vertically on your sacrum
- Relax for 1 to 5 minutes.
6- the plough: halasana
How to use a yoga brick in the installation of The Plough? The plow helps reduce body stiffness by stretching the veins, stretching the neck and lower back muscles. It improves the flexibility of the spine and stimulates the nerves that surround it.
- Lie down in savasana
- Raise your feet vertically as you inhale, then exhale as you lift your hips and lower back off the floor.
- Inhale again as you swing your legs overhead until your toes touch the ground, help yourself with your hands by leaning on your lower back.
- Stay between 1 min and 10 min
7- the camel : ustrasana
The camel relieves lower back pain, stretches and tones, and allows you to feel mental lightness in a positive spirit.
2. Stand up straight forward: lean on your kneecaps while contracting your glutes.
8- the stork : uttanasana
This type of asana strengthens the abdominal muscles, stretches the back muscles, slims the hips and makes the spine more flexible. It is very useful in case of stress, tirednessgue, anxiety or insomnia.
- Stand on your mat and place the block in front of you
- Lean forward so that your chest touches your kneecaps
- Place your hands on the edge
9- the etire angle : utthita Parsvakonasana
The stretched angle helps strengthen the kneecaps and ankles, while stretching the hamstrings, abdomen, chest and waist. It improves lung capacity and digestion.
1. Take the Tadasana posture
2. Spread your heels about a meter apart, and put a block horizontally behind one of them.
3. Turn your left foot 30° in and the other 90° out
4. Bend your left knee, so that your shin is perpendicular and your thigh is parallel to the ground. The other must be tense
5. Raise your right hand higher than your head and bring it to the opposite side.
6. Turn your head up toward your right hand.
7. Grab the block with your left hand to stretch the opposite side as much as possible.
8. Take deep breaths while pulling your arm toward the ceiling.
9. Return to your starting position and do the same movements on the other side.
10- the table with two legs: dwi pada pitham
Stretches and tones the lower limbs, buttocks and back. It brings relaxation in the lumbar region, allows the opening of the thoracic cage, improves blood circulation and contributes to the development of self-confidence.
- Lie on your back on your yoga mat
- Bend your kneecaps and place your feet flat on the ground, at a comfortable distance from the sacrum, parallel and hip-width apart
- Place your hands at your sides, palms down on the mat.
- Lift your buttocks by leaning on your shoulders and heels.
- Put a brick vertically under your sacrum
- Ensure that the head is in line with the spine
- Stay as long as you want
11- standing lunge: urdhva prasarita eka padasana
It stretches the thighs, calves, hamstrings and groin area. It stimulates the liver, kidneys and also helps to calm the mind by relieving stress, headaches, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia.
- Take the warrior pose and put two bricks horizontally in front of you: raise your left arm while keeping the opposite leg stretched backwards.
- Exhale while rotating the torso to the right, and raise the opposite leg.
- Lean forward slowly, bringing your torso closer to your thigh
- Place your hands on the bricks to support your torso.
- Put all of your weight on only the leg on the ground, while trying to stretch the other over your head.
- Please make sure that your hip joint rotates correctly, your pelvis should be parallel to the ground. Your lower limbs should remain tense and your kneecaps should point out in front of you.
- Stay 30 seconds minimum, increase this time according to your experience
- Return to the starting position while exhaling, then do the same on the other side.
12- the raven : bakasana
This posture improves coordination, brings tranquility and concentration, and increases self-confidence. It strengthens the upper limbs, wrists and abdominal muscles, stretches the upper back and promotes digestion.
- Squat down on your mat, spread your heels to the width of your hips, put two blocks in front of you
- Try to find a balance without your buttocks touching the carpet
- Place your hands on the width
- Bend your elbows and lift your arches off the mat, place your kneecaps on the back of your elbows.
- Lean forward while exhaling
13- the four branches pose: chaturanga
The four-legged pose improves your posture by strengthening the upper limbs, wrists and shoulders, abdominal muscles, legs and back muscles.
- Put yourself in a board
- Put a block under each shoulder
- Slowly bend your elbows to 90 degrees, and rest your shoulders
- Bring your elbows close to your ribs, engage all your muscles and move slightly forward.
- Stay for a minimum of 5 seconds.
14- L sit : bramcharyasana
This asana has the advantage of using many muscles: abdominals, quadriceps, triceps, obliques, hip flexors, shoulders, backs and even pectorals.
- Take the posture of the stick
- Place a brick on each side, in the middle of your thighs
- Place your hands flat on the blocks
- Breathe in while growing, breathe out while leaning forward
- Inhale again as you lift your buttocks by leaning on your hands, while keeping your pelvis behind your wrists exhale while lifting your heels.
- Take 3 breaths
15- the corpse: savasana
This posture allows to work on the flexibility of the back, to calm the body and the spirit
- Lie on your back on your mat
- Lift the pelvis to place a block horizontally or vertically depending on how you feel. You can also put a brick or two in the middle of the back or under the head.
- Take deep breaths and relax for … minutes.
16- the chair: utkatasana
The chair allows to strengthen the lower muscles: thighs and calves, buttocks, to strengthen and stretch the spine, but also to tone the abdominal belt.
1. Take the Tadasana posture, anchor your heels and arch in your mat, in line with your hips.
- Distribute your weight evenly, and put a block between your knees.
- Position your hands in front of you, horizontally, at the same height as your shoulders, palms facing each other, then move your shoulders back to open your chest, then raise them in the air.
- Bend your kneecaps, so that they reach an angle of 90°, keep the weight of your body on your heels.
- Hold for several breaths
17- warrior 3: virabhadrasana iii
This posture has the advantage of improving self-confidence and inner stability, strengthening the muscles of the lower limbs, hip and back, and working on self-confidence and concentration.
- Assume the low lunge posture with the back knee on the mat.
- Put a block in front of you and place your hands on it while breathing in
- Bend your chest forward while exhaling, and bring your back to the horizontal.
- Raise your back foot until it is horizontal.
- Keep your balance and remain completely static, your back should be straight and your back leg aligned.
- Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to the ground, if you can: raise your hands and align them with your head
- Take 5 breaths and then do the same on the other side.
18- the butterfly : baddha konasana
The butterfly is perfect for working on the flexibility of the joints, toning the muscles of the back and lower limbs. It provides a feeling of relaxation and mental release.
- Sit on your carpet
- Put your toes together.
- Put two bricks on top of each other in front of you, the first vertically and the second horizontally.
- Inhale as you raise your back, then exhale as you round it.
- Let your forehead rest on the bricks
6. Hold the position for 5 minutes while completely relaxing all your limbs.
You can also lie down on the bricks like a butterfly.
19- use several yoga bricks in the reverse stance:
Adho Mukha Vrksasana strengthens shoulders, upper back, triceps, and reduces stress. Increased blood flow to your brain provides both an energizing and calming effect.
- Overlay bricks horizontally, make two rows spaced about 30cm apart (see photo)
- Stand facing a wall with your heels shoulder-width apart
- Take a step forward for momentum
- Lean forward and put your hands near the bricks, about 30 cm from the wall, and your head between the two rows.
- Keep your arms straight and raise your thighs above your head
- Make sure your shoulders are tucked in and your head is centered, your lower limbs should be tense.
- Keep your energy in both palms in a balanced way, hold the pose for a few seconds.
20- the cobra : bhujangasana
The cobra aims to improve self-confidence, but also the circulation of blood. It strengthens both the upper limbs and the back and aligns the spine.
Lie on your stomach on your mat and put a block vertically in front of you
- Glue your calves and thighs together to keep them taut
- Place your hands flat in front of you
- Straighten your chest, inhale gently while opening your shoulder blades.
- Let your forehead rest on the brick
- Take slow, deep breaths.
- About 3 minutes
21- the fish: matsyasana
It allows the opening of the rib cage, the heart chakra. The use of the block will allow a slight compression of the throat and will stimulate the thyroid. It also stretches the back and spine.
- Lie down on your mat
- Raise your chest and position the block between your shoulder blades so that your neck falls slightly back.
- Stay 3 to 5 minutes
You can also use a yoga brick for your meditation postures!
Put the yoga brick under your thighs or buttocks and rest your knees on the floor while keeping your back straight!
Discover in video how to use a yoga brick: the founder of Yogom Mathilde Corbin, shows you how to realize a dozen of postures. Be careful, this does not exempt you from asking a yoga teacher for precise positioning advice!
You now have enough examples of how to use a yoga brick like a master, but more importantly, you will quickly see that your practice is much easier and at the same time just as beneficial or more so than before! On your carpets now discover more 150 free yoga classes on our Youtube video channel! Ideal for training at home.
If you like to use props, check out the Iyengar Yoga and also check out our Guides: How to use a bolster and 20 asanas with a yoga strap !
You want to change your mat or get a bag or other item, discover our article dedicated to to advice on how to choose your yoga equipment .
Enjoy a wide range of yoga products on the Yogom website! Using these items during your yoga classes will greatly improve your practice with safety and ease!