What size yoga mat should I choose?
Not sure what size yoga mat to buy? You are looking for a yoga mat adapted to your morphology and your sport? Are you tired of having your feet sticking out of your mat when you exercise? In this article, Yogom gives you many tips on how to choose the best mat size for your size, discipline and experience!
There are many criteria for choosing a yoga mat, such as material, weight, stability or thickness.size is one of the most important criteria ! A standard yoga mat measures 180 cm long x 60 cm wide on average, at Yogom you can find mats of all sizes, small ones like the Yomad range (183×61 cm), large ones like those of the Performance, Star and Voyage ranges (183 cm x 68 cm) and extra large ones like those of the cork range (186 × 66 cm) and the Softness range (200 x 75 cm). To make the best choice, Yogom recommends that you take a mat that is at least as long as your height.

You are tall
You practice a gentle yoga
What size is a large yoga mat?
The Performance Yoga Mat
The Star Yoga Mat
The yoga mat travel
The Natural Woolen Yoga Mat
– The yoga mat in Liege
You carry it a lot
You practice meditation
The Mini Meditation Mat
The Yomad yoga mat
The yoga mat travel
You are tall: you don’t want to have a foot sticking out!
In addition, if you prefer a dynamic yoga like Vinyasa Yoga that involves a lot of jumping, your choice should be a large mat, so that you don’t land outside the mat when you fall back down ! There are many postures that will be difficult to perform if you have a mat that is too small, such as the head down dog posture, the warrior posture or certain asana sequences like the sun salutation for example.

You practice a gentle yoga with many floor postures
You practice a gentle yoga involving many sitting or lying postures, with prolonged contact with the ground? So you need a mat that is big enough for you to practice and progress with ease and safety!
A yoga like Yin or Nidra Yoga requiressufficient space to be able to extend one’s body This is a comfortable way to use your arms and legs. It is therefore important to choose a carpet that is long enough, but also wide enough!
What is the size of a large carpet
A standard carpet is usually 180 cm long x 60 cm wide, or at Yogom, the yoga mats measure up to 200 x 75 cm, these dimensions of mats are particularly appreciated for the soft yogas, which require in the majority of the cases, to adopt a lying posture on the ground!
The only drawback is that you may not have enough space (yoga studio or living room) to completely unroll your mat.

The Performance Yoga Mat
The yoga mat of the performance range measures 183 cm x 68 cmIts big size is appropriate perfectly for the people of big sizes, or the people wishing to have a bigger space to practise with ease.
The star yoga mat
The yoga mat of the Star range measures 183 cm x 68 cmIt is therefore perfectly adapted to a yoga like Vinyasa Yoga. It has all the important features to practice a dynamic yoga involving jumping, floor postures and balance.
This mat is the most non-slip yoga mat on the marketIt is available at prices between 95 and 108 euros.

The travel yoga mat
The yoga mat of the Travel mat range, also measures 183x68cmwhich allows all yogis globetrotters to practice with serenity and safety on all types of ground.
Its dimensions facilitate the realization of the exercises of yoga and improves the comfort.
The materials used for its manufacture are the same as those of the Performance range, which makes this carpet the perfect carpet to go on vacation : both practical thanks to its extra large dimensions, and efficient thanks to the quality of the materials used (recycled rubber and textile microfiber).
The natural wool yoga mat
The natural yoga mat made of Merino sheep wool from the Douceur range is the biggest yoga mat sold at YogomIts dimensions are extra large and extra long: 200 x 75 cm.
Its size, thickness and sheepskin wool cover make this mat the ideal mat for all gentle yogas like Yin or Nidra Yoga.
Its Merino sheep’s wool material provides many benefits: it promotes relaxation and purifies the air of harmful positive ions.
This mat provides enough space to lie down and to lie down and settle comfortably to perform asanas and pranayamas.

The cork yoga mat
The yoga mat Alma of the range Cork is extra long 186 × 66 cm, which makes this mat very versatile. It is perfectly adapted to your needs, your discipline, but also to your convictions, because this carpet is the most ecological carpet sold on the market!
This product has a base made of recycled rubber and a cover made of cork from sustainably managed forests in the Alentejo region in Portugal.
You are small
The yoga mats of Yogom measure between 183×61 cm and 200 x 75 cmit is preferable to choose the dimensions of its yoga mat according to your size and your practice.
In factyou may not have enough room to spread your carpet if your practice space is too small (studio, living room…). Whether you practice in the studio or from home, it is essential to take into account the space available to carry out your yoga sessions before choosing the dimensions of your yoga mat.

You carry it around a lot: a folding mat!
If you travel a lot or take public transportation to your yoga studio, it’s best for you to choose a small yoga mat. Because the bigger your yoga mat, the heavier and more difficult it will be to carry!
It is therefore wiser to choose a small or foldable yoga mat and to carry it with a yoga mat carrying bag to protect it from all external aggressions (cat’s claws, dust, sun…).
You practice a yoga meditation
If you are a meditation enthusiast, a small yoga mat is more than enough.
The sessions are most often done in a sitting position, and the breathing exercises you will perform do not require much space.
To adopt the best meditation posture during your classes, i.e. straight back and knees on the ground, you can get a zafu made of cotton or merino sheep wool. It will bring comfort and allow you to enter a state of deep relaxation.

The Mini Meditation Mat
The mini meditation mat from Yogom measures 50 cm wide x 70 cm longIt is the ideal support for your sessions, it can be used as a mat to create a double protection for your knees and buttocks! to create a double protection for your knees and your buttocks!
This mat is Oeko-Tex certified: it will bring many benefits to your relaxation classes thanks to its Merino sheep wool covering which favors relaxation but is also an excellent insulator, which will help you meditate in a healthy environment.
In addition, it weighs only 500 g which is perfect for its transport!
Yomad Yoga Mat
The yoga mat of the Yomad range is the smallest mat sold at Yogomit measures 183×61 cm, it is still longer and wider than the standard mat sold on the market.
Thanks to its dimensions and its thickness (6 mm) , this mat is the ideal yoga mat for beginners or those with joint problems.
In addition, this product weighs only 1 kg, because it is made from TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) foam. This material is extremely light and is an excellent alternative to PVC.
This mat is also reversible, however it is not suitable for practice with sneakers or outdoors because although it is very efficient, this material is quite fragile.

The travel yoga mat because it is large but foldable
If you are looking for a small yoga mat to be able to carry it everywhere, the yoga mats of the Yomad range or the Voyage range will be perfectly adapted to your desires.
Indeed, the Voyage yoga mat is certainly large (183x68cm), but it is foldable thanks to the flexibility of its base in recycled rubber ! It will fit perfectly in your suitcase or your backpack.
Yogom yoga mats and accessories have all the qualities you are looking for: comfort, adherence….They are perfectly adapted to the practice of sports (yoga, fitness, gym, pilates) but they are especially ecological!
No more environmentally unfriendly yoga equipment brands selling their products on Amazon! At Yogom, the materials used are respectful of the environment, health and animal welfare, they have many certifications (Oeko-Tex, Vegan) and do not contain PVC.
The Yogom bargain corner offers discounts throughout the year to allow everyone to equip themselves with quality yoga mats, ecological at low prices.
Go to the Yogom’s blog to discover many guides that will help you to choose the most suitable yoga equipment the most suitable yoga equipment, the style of yoga to practice according to your needs and more…